43rd International Conference
 of the Haskins Society (2024)

University of Richmond (Richmond, VA)

Words of Welcome...
(from Prof. Joanna Drell, Conference Director)

As director of the 43rd Annual Haskins Society Conference, I am delighted to welcome you to Richmond, Virginia. The University of Richmond is proud to be the home of the International Conference of the Haskins Society for 2022-24, a sojourn made possible by the generous support of multiple bodies across the university, along with co-sponsorship from Longwood University in Farmville, VA.

We re-launched our in-person conference in 2022, repeated in 2023, and based on feedback from all corners, it went well.  And so, we are excited to build upon that success and offer conferees the best in-person experience we can, while still offering a hybrid experience for those attending virtually.  We know that not all health risks have been fully mitigated, and for those with such concerns, and yet who wish to be with us in person, please let us know how we can optimize things for you.

The interest of fellow scholars since last year's conference has been immensely gratifying, and we call your attention to this year's Call for Papers.  The conference organizers look forward to the dilemma of how to decide among your submissions!

In Brief...

(full details via the menu tabs above)

15-17 November 2024

Registration will open in the months just before the conference, around late August/early September.

Featured Speakers

•  Katherine Weikert (University of Winchester)
•  Katherine Jansen (The Catholic University of America)

•  Charles Insely (University of Manchester)


Jepson Alumni Center @ the University of Richmond

Zoom Link (as needed/arranged)

Bethell Prize

Papers by graduate students, untenured faculty, and independent scholars are eligible for the Denis Bethell Prize.

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