2022 Conference Program

(with suggestions below for presenters)

(All Sessions: Jepson Alumni Center, Univ. of Richmond)


Thursday, 27 October

6:00 Councillors @ Humanities Commons

Informal Socials


Friday, 28 October


8:30-- Onsite Registration Opens @ Jepson Alumni Center

Session 1 —The Frontiers of Saintliness

Chair: Kathryn Salzer, Pennsylvania State University

“Holy Innocents, Sacred Time, and Imagined Geographies”

     ♦ Katherine Clark Walker,  SUNY Brockport


“Leprosy Miracle as Demonstration of Sainthood”

     ♦ Jennifer Edwards, Manhattan College

Refreshment Break


Session 2 — English Kings & Saints

Chair: Richard Barton, University of North Carolina, Greensboro

“William Rufus and His Critic: Political Responses in Eadmer’s Hagiographies of Pre-Conquest Bishops

     ♦ Gabriela Faundez-Rojas, St. Catherine’s School


“‘Religiosus et Pius Rex’: Monastic Virtue in Aelred of Rievaulx’s Ideal of Kingship

     ♦ W. Tanner Smoot, University of Wisconsin


“‘Would [God] have Manifested the Sanctification of an Adulterer by such Miracles?’ Henry the Young King as a Saint

     ♦ Hugh M. Thomas, University of Miami




Session 3 — Documentary Cultures

Chair: Laura Gathagan, SUNY Cortland

Signo crucis et mei nominis roboravi…A view on Norman ducal power from its charters at the turn of the First Millennium”

     ♦ Pierre Bauduin, University of Caen


“Numeracy in the Central Middle Ages’”      

     ♦ Chris Lewis, Institute of Historical Research, University of London


“A Voice in the East: Francophone Leaders and Letters in the Thirteenth Century”

     ♦ Laura Morreale, Independent Scholar



Session 4 — Re-Imagining the Past: Historiography and the Middle Ages

Chair: Robert Berkhofer, Western Michigan University

“The Ghost of Samuel P. Huntington and the So-Called ‘First Crusade’ as a ‘Defensive’ War

     ♦ Matt Gabriele, Virginia Tech University


“The Exemplary Knighting of Geoffroi Plantagenêt: A Documentary and Historiographical Reappraisal

     ♦ Arnaud Montreuil, University of Paris, Sorbonne / University of Ottawa

“Magna Carta and the Definition of Fundamental Rights

     ♦ Joshua Tate, Southern Methodist University




Session 5 — Reframing the "Master" Narrative

Chair: April Harper, State University of New York at Oneonta

“Marguerite of Provence, Queen of France, and Matriline Patronage”

     ♦ Kathleen Nolan, Hollins University


“Mapping the Medieval Woman: A Case Study of Fourteenth-Century Paris”

     ♦ Tracy Hamilton, Sweet Briar College


“Æthelswith: First Crowned Queen in England”

     ♦ Vanessa King, Birkbeck College University of London




Featured Speaker:
Cord Whitaker, Wellesley College

“The Black Medievalist Internationale: Freedom, Fascism, and Josephine Baker”

Presiding: Jennifer Paxton, Catholic University of America

Hors d’oeuvres and Cocktails @ Jepson Alumni Center


Saturday, 29 October


8:30-9:00  Coffee/Tea


Session 6 — History Writing in the 12th Century

Chair: Mary Frances Giandrea, American University

“The Civil War in the Civil War: Geoffrey of Monmouth and Lucan”

     ♦ Jacqueline Burek, George Mason University


“Journey to the South: Travels of William of Malmesbury in the Mid-1130s”

     ♦ Liu Ming, University of Edinburgh


“‘Seriem temporum descripsisse et varios insolitosque rerum eventus’: negotiating the Galfridian past in William Godel’s Libellus de Recordatione Temporum

     ♦ Gabriela Passabi, Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, University of Toronto




Session 7 — Environmental and Familial Networks in the Early Middle Ages

 Chair: Laura Wangerin, Seton Hall University

“Hiding in the Oak Trees: An Interdisciplinary Environmental History of Early Medieval Brittany”

     ♦ Bryna Cameron-Steinke, Georgetown University


“Beyond the Freoðowebbe: Examining the affinal networks of seventh-century Mercia and Northumbria”

     ♦ Brittany Orton, University of York


“Devastation, Disease, and Disaster: An Interdisciplinary Reexamination of Gildas’ De excidio Britonum

     ♦ Rachel Singer, Georgetown University




Featured Speaker:
Anne Lester, Johns Hopkins University

The Repentance of Geoffroy de Milly: Anger, Penance, and Sovereign Authority in Thirteenth-Century France

Presiding: Steven Isaac, Longwood University




Session 8 —New perspectives on Medieval Studies in the 20th century

 Chair: T. J. H. McCarthy, New College of Florida

“Bennett David Hill, 1934-2005: A Scholar’s Life”

     ♦ Randall Todd Pippinger, University of Wisconsin


“Evelyn Faye Wilson and the Publication History of The Stella Maris of John of Garland (Medieval Academy of America Books, Number 45)”

     ♦ William Chester Jordan, Princeton University

Buses to Agecroft Hall from Jepson Alumni Center


Cocktail Reception at Agecroft Hall & Gardens


Sunday, 30 October


The C. Warren Hollister Lecture
Frances Andrews, St. Andrews University


Taking it on trust? The Italian communes c. 1200-1500

Presiding: Joanna Drell, University of Richmond


Break: Coffee/Tea


Session 9 — Lineaments of Learning

Chair: Laura Morreale, Independent Scholar


“What Is a Booklist? The Material Lives of Monastic Book Records in the High Middle Ages”

     ♦ Jay Diehl, Long Island University


“Reading Greek Patristics in Latin in Pre-Conquest England: The Evidence of the Book Inventories,”

     ♦ Scott G. Bruce, Fordham University


“Books Pro Moribus Informandis: Henry of Blois’ Contribution to the Glastonbury Library”

     ♦ Benjamin A. Bertrand


Break: Coffee/Tea


Session 10— Emotion and Intellect throughout the Middle Ages

Chair: William North, Carleton College


“Johannes Scottus Eriugena’s (c. 815–877) Concept of Nihil in its Carolingian Context”

     ♦ Robyn Stewart, University of York


“Emotion and Medicine in Twelfth-Century Narrative”

     ♦ Emily Winkler, Oxford University


“Trustworthy Lovers: Poems and Contracts in the Memoriali Registers of Bologna”

     ♦ Sarina Kuersteiner, Union College

A reminder for those giving papers:

The point of giving a talk is as much about the questions and the conversation that arise during the Q&A period, as it is about the paper itself. Because of this, you are asked to stick closely to your allotted paper-giving time of 20 minutes (or 15  minutes in some cases). A 20-minute paper is generally a 10-page, 12-point-font typescript. Please be courteous to your fellow panelists and come prepared to give a paper of the prescribed length. Panel Chairs will be instructed (with, of course, a couple of minutes' grace) to keep their panelists to time. We would all like to hear your conclusions, but will be robbed of the pleasure if you have been dragged off the podium by your Chair.

For those using A/V:

There is standard A/V provision at the Jepson Alumni Center that meets routine conference needs – for example, PowerPoint presentations. If you have particular questions or requests, please contact Conference Lt.-Director Steven Isaac. Please keep in mind that we will also have online participants, so those using technology should be ready to share screens.


You will need to bring copies of any handout with you to the conference. Sixty copies should suffice.

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