Conference Housing
The Haskins Society Conference is working with two hotels, Embassy Suites and Best Western, to provide everyone with lodgings as close as possible to our venue, the Jepson Center, while also giving access to the rest of Richmond's attractions and dining possibilities.
A conference discount has been arranged with both hotels, which will be available until 31 October (Best Western) or 16 October (Embassy Suites). Once the cut-off date has passed, the hotels may honor the prior rate, depending on the rooms then available. While attendees can call the hotels directly and reserve through their front desks (Best Western: 804-672-7007 / Embassy Suites: 804-672-8585), both hotels encourage us to use the provided links just below:
Both reserved blocs of rooms are non-smoking. The hotel links just above have pre-set days when you land on their website, but attendees can edit those presets. When available, the conference shuttle will run from the front door of the Embassy Suites, which is basically next door to the Best Western.
Detailed directions to/from the hotels are likewise available at their websites: Embassy Suites or Best Western.